Clearings for aligning with and inviting in money flows of plenty so you can have more ease and fun receiving, growing, having and spending money. Allowing you to experience greater wealth in your life to joyfully share with others knowing that Spirit will always provide and you will have more than enough.
If in this lifetime you have not come into your own financial abundance as of yet, NOW is the season of cornucopia and we offer this to help you find solitude in the ethereal horn of good plenty!
When you listen, the fishing is DONE-FOR-YOU. Includes over 130 clearings delivered on one 1 PDF written transcript embedded with a link to the 26-minute MP3 audio recording.
Instantly playable on any computer or mobile device!
**IMPT. NOTE** When you get access to your download, it will come to you in PDF format ONLY (you aren't missing a file) The AUDIO MP3 link will be clickable from the top of page 1 of the PDF! This should ease the access for both desktop & mobile users to now open both pdf & audio on one download link. Due to Apple's mobile download limitations: iPhone, iPad only purchases may require requesting the alternate links or get one of their free file downloader Apps.
- "I always have more than enough money to go around and I am rooted in God’s favor of PLENTY."
- "My financial freedom has formed in front of me as I am in consistent alignment with the HORN OF GOOD PLENTY."
- Money is another form of energy exchange that is safe for me to utilize knowing that it will increase tenfold."
- "All paths of money come to me NOW, this is my season of Harvest. All blockages have cleared and there is a clear path to my HARVEST OF PLENTY.
- "I welcome all positive experiences to come and money in all forms rains into my life. This is the season of my HARVEST"
"Thank you so much have just received and listened to the newest offering of Bountiful Harvest. I am going to call it Celestial Blessings. It is really beautiful and so clear. Looking forward to seeing what appears but I already feel calm and confident that all is well. And the era of lack is over! Thank you another winner from the Jimmy Mack healing team! much love." - Rahima
"Money grows on trees, and those trees are in my yard!" of the single greatest word tracks of all time, and it is part of this mp3! Jimmy Mack has yet again outdone himself, drawing upon, distilling, and coalescing the most powerful angelic energy in the Universe and transmuting it into the 3D form of Abundance. When you listen, you begin to not only feel, but you begin to KNOW that it is time to be excited for what is showing up next. Jimmy uses his unique abilities to bring down and exercise our divine right to prosperity from above into the present moment, here and now. And Lord knows we sure need it here in 2020! This one is an absolute homerun and it's here right on time!"
--- Justin A.