[LUCKY777] MyBeliefWorks™ Clearings for Increasing Your Odds of Winning MP3 & PDF

Regular price $87.00 $57.00 Sale

Clearings for changing your energy, vibration and flow of luck and increasing your odds of winning in life!  Good for increasing luck when betting on races, sports competitions, giveaways/drawings/raffles, lottery tickets & scratchers, cards/casino gambling, slot machines and all other games of chance.   Also includes improving your good fortune when investing and trading stocks, bonds, securities, crypto and NFTs.  Even if you don’t gamble, this could change your luck in a stuck area of business, love or even how you’ll play the game of life!!! 

Includes over 60 clearings delivered on one 1 PDF written transcript embedded with a link to the 21-minute MP3 audio recording.

Instantly playable on any computer or mobile device!

**IMPT. NOTE** When you get access to your download, it will come to you in PDF format ONLY (you aren't missing a file) The AUDIO MP3 download will be attached by clicking the link at the top of page 1 of the PDF! This should ease the access for both desktop & mobile users to now open both pdf & audio on one download link. Due to Apple's mobile download limitations: iPhone, iPad only purchases will still be required to request the alternate links or get one of their free file downloader Apps. 

Here's What People Are Saying...

"Every year at the elementary school I work at, we have a huge fall festival with a gift basket raffle. The baskets were exceptional this year, each worth multiple hundreds of dollars! I decided to listen to the MyBeliefWorks Lucky 777 recording to see what mystical fun could happen. My daughter won a basket valued at over $440! She was ecstatic! When she got into the contents, she was overwhelmed with wonder. “It’s like they made this basket just for me! And I almost didn’t put a ticket in!" Thank you Jimmy, for pulling together the words to give us all a magical experience Friday night!!" - Nichole Taylor (2024)


"Had to send a HUGE thank you and results report that occurred the DAY after I listened to the Lucky Clearing. I got a huge raise and promotion and later that day met the kind of person that only comes along once in a lifetime.  Like, I feel so very blessed and lucky right now. So obvious it another miracle clearing caused by listening and practicing your fishing methods Jimmy! So very grateful! Cheers! " - Sarah T.

"I’m one of those people who can claim that she never wins anything, that is until I bought your 777 MP3 and used your special bonus lucky 777 prayer! Shortly after I started using these gifts, I received a five dollar refund unexpectedly from a purchase I had made! But to top it all off, I won a $100 raffle ticket!!!I am so happy and so grateful to you, and I feel like I’m on a roll, as this is just the beginning of the new Lucky Me" - Barbara S. 

“I’m not much of a gambler, but what I discovered while listening to this MP3 is that everything is a gamble and that winning in life means getting what you want, no matter how big or small. After listening, I felt like I had more of a winning mindset to help clear the way for luck in all things!” B.B. / CA

"This is so cool! Last Saturday I went to a charity dog walk event and bought 10 raffle tickets and I KNEW I was going to win something, I just felt it after listening to the Lucky777 audio and felt led to buy the tickets. Well guess what?... I got a call this morning from the Humane Society that I WON A RAFFLE PRIZE!!" - Sandy B (Team Jimmy Mack)

"777 Lucky Money audio is great! I love playing the lotto and pull tabs, and can use some powerful affirmations. I am feeling luckier already. Hey, why not me? Thanks Jimmy!" -  Marla Martenson / Los Angeles

"First of all, the idea of creating a clearing track for winning lottery, playing games, good luck and fortune is absolutely brilliant! I feel more lucky and hopeful about all my endeavors. I can't stop smiling while listening to Jimmy's words. Who couldn't use more luck in gambling but also participating in any activity where winning is an option? I take the odds being in my favor any time! Thank you, Jimmy, you really surprised me with this one!" - Gosia / CA

"This invocation of abundance starts off somewhat specifically and progressively expands in both scope and energy with a palpable snowball effect. The listener can feel the flow of abundance open through all channels of monetary speculation and can sense the vibrational frequency of those channels increase to their optimum level as the invocation continues. The invocation is easy to follow, uplifting and undoubtedly effective. Those with the courage to ascribe to this will certainly see the blessings of abundance manifest. Many thanks to Jimmy Mack and his healing energies." - Greg B MD / Pennsylvania

"Such a fun and exciting transmission, after listening I went to a restaurant not knowing they were only accepting cash. I had to go to my car to get cash; when I returned three men had pulled out cash to buy my dinner!!! I'm so grateful for this audio and the experience was exhilarating. I know there will be more lucky events after the chills this audio gave me!!!" - KiKi / Hawaii

"I was mesmerized listening to Jimmy Mack's soothing, hypnotic voice as he covered many opportunities to be lucky. I definitely felt like going and buying a lottery ticket. Feeling lucky is key too as Jimmy Mack expanded upon. These MP3s are so positive, re-iterating everything is possible...you have to know everything is in the universe already. Jimmy Mack helps us remember this. Great job - off to get my very lucky lottery ticket now!" -  Kathy M / MI

"This one could be the GRAND MASTER of Jimmy Mack’s MP3's and is totally bodacious!! I am not much of a gambler, but why don't we use this language in our everyday lives?!! "Luck chooses me" and "everybody knows I'm a winner" are just a few of my favorites. :-) Within one day of listening, I had some fabulous luck come my way in the form of very high-end clothing. I am a realtor, so the need to "dress to impress" is an understatement. I got a brand-new listing and the owner let me go through her closet to pick out her best pieces, before she takes them to the consignment shop, and she just happens to be my size! I am talking St. John's Resort wear, for all the fashionistas out there. Off to a good start with the LUCKY 777 MP3 and can't thank you enough, Mr. Mack!" - Katherine D. / Colorado

"This was quite a unique experience! As I listened to it nervousness and anxiety bubbled up and tears started coming out of my eyes. I realized I was afraid to win. by the end of the second listen the anxiety or nervousness had subsided, and the feeling of fear started to go away. I didn’t realize I had such a fear of winning. Listening to this MP3 might change your life!" - Toni Greene / WI 

NOTE: The pictures of the lottery machine are from a trip Sandy took to our local Hard Rock Casino last month and she had the Lucky777 audio on loop with low volume on her phone.  She doubled her money that day and walked away happy :)