This audio is for people who are either trying to gain or lose weight. This is an MP3 that could be that missing link and that final push that you need to reach your goals. At some point you were at your ideal weight. Listening to the audio will create changes for you on many levels, and for those of you advanced "fishermen", you can go through the PDF and test and "fish out" each of the statements individually - changing them from negative to positive for extra reinforcement.
Click here for a special weight loss audio combo offer
Sample clearings:
"It's safe and comfortable for me to release excess weight and to add healthy muscle."
"I process boredom with grace and ease without resorting to food or drink."
"My body is a fat-burning machine that is lean and 100% healthy."
"I experience and obtain my ideal body composition."
"I process sexual attention from men or women with grace and ease."
1 MP3 audio and 1 PDF written transcript, instantly downloadable