This the premiere audio in our series of prosperity clearings which is an essential foundation around which the money series was built. This one is all about co-creating a mindset for obtaining, retaining and receiving more abundance, money, good fortune and good favor in our lives, here and now.
Money, receiving, and abundance are just some of the topics in this MP3. Just by listening to these clearings and belief changes can only help/contribute to you! They are unusual and could be the final piece you need to remove the negative blocks in your way. You know which ones I am talking about, the ones that have kept you from realizing all that you know you can be.
This MP3 is INCLUDED with purchase of the Practitioner Certification Program
Includes over 17 mins of audio and over 100 clearings (Re-recorded in Feb 2022 - now in 2 separate audio files 1) Listening Instructions and 2) Clearing Audio for looping
1 MP3 audio and 1 PDF written transcript, instantly downloadable