Clearings and Wishes for Being in Harmony with All Things - June 2023

Clearings and Wishes for Being in Harmony with All Things - June 2023

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Originally recorded June 29, 2023.

So much of our lives are out of harmony with things and there is weakness in the alignment with having your desires. This month's call focused on being in harmony with our health, wealth, life’s mission, relationships, family, work/ job /career and even with our environment and Mother Earth.  All are very important and essential things to be in harmony with for the betterment of all of our lives. 

We had so many write ins from those who pre-registered and some of them were just stellar and we felt some very BIG shifts. And know too that I brought in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand and amplifies things in a much deeper way.  Watching this video replay is just as powerful as having been listening live. Enjoy!

We asked for submissions in 3 different categories: - Personal Wish for more Harmony

- Wishes for more Harmony for Others

- Wishes for More Harmony for the Earth and Worldwide

This is a 28-minute video and a large download file*  (Audio-only mp3 available by request)


Here's what some live listeners wrote in saying:
"Yes! Yahhh,Thank you! and Wow!!!! I said to every affirmation Sooo Thankful to all of you! I am Blown away as Always! Beyond Awesome Job Team! My Family My Ohana. Looooovvvveee It!!! - Scotty / Hawaii

"Jimmy - I joined the call last night and was so struck by the energy. I was in a meditative state the whole time and I really appreciated it. Thank you," - A. F.

Personal Wish for more Harmony

  1. to be more in harmony with my capacity to take action and co-create with the people regarding my business growth
  2. I would like to be more in harmony with my job, work environment, and all co-workers.
  3. to have and be in harmony with my body and honor its needs
  4. To be in more harmony with EMF's and wifi, 5G etc.
  5. To be in harmony with just being friends with dates that i'm not interested in pursuing
  6. To be in constant harmony with all of the employees, customers,rules, procedures at work to flow in perfect synchronicity
  7. To be in total Harmony with Manifesting/Creating my Desires. 
  8. to be more in harmony with myself and my romantic partner/ spouse.
  9. to be more in harmony with my relationship with my ex-husband (or ex-wife) and their family and our kids
  10. To be more in harmony with my I AM presence and my truest-self 
  11. to be more in divine harmony with my higher-self and my purpose and mission in life and having deep inner peace
  12. To at all times be connected and in harmony with Source & with my heart 
  13.  to be in harmony with being debt free, financially secure, stable and supported,
  14. To be in harmony with receiving and maintaining infinite amounts of money/currency, resources, wealth, good fortune beyond my wildest dreams. 
  15. To be in harmony with having a happy, enjoyable family life 
  16. To be more in harmony with divine truth, divine wisdom, divine intelligence, divine creativity and enlightenment
  17. To be in harmony with having excellent health including all my bodies- physical, spiritual, energetic and etheric
  18. to be more in harmony with love and joy and to draw in the perfect partner/relationship for me quickly, easily, and effortlessly. I wish this for myself and everyone listening.
  19. To be in harmony with all electronic equipment, technology, networks, platforms and programs needed for my business to grow and be profitable to benefit many. 
  20. To be more in harmony with being on Earth and on Earth Clock Time to be more efficient at doing all my required earthly tasks.  
  21. I would like to be more in harmony with knowing how to use my sacred gifts and talents - easily able to make good money with them.
  22.   I would like to be in harmony within my heart after the recent death of my husband and other close family losses (including mom, dad and son) 
  23. I would like to be more in harmony with the knowing and trust that I can heal my own physical body.
  24. To be in harmony with healing the reasons for my right leg pain from knee joint to hip joint.
  25. To be in harmony with healing my bodies’ systems so I am able to sleep through each night awakening strong and balanced.
  26. To be in harmony with getting a steady flow of well-paying, happy, top-end clients who love and adore the work I do
  27. I would like to be more in harmony and integration with any scattered soul fragments
  28. To be in infinite harmony with my true path in this life, all obstacles vanish from my path and become stepping stones to higher consciousness 
  29. I would like to be in harmony with my husband on our finances /financial decisions to manifest a harmonious home environment filled with gratitude and continued blessings of abundance.
  30. I would like more harmony with Change and being in the Flow of Life.

Wishes for more Harmony for Others

  1. Let’s harmonize our unique gifts and perspectives so that we can create a new reality and experience mind, body, and spirit unification and consciousness expansion.
  2. To harmonize our feelings & emotions and take action from a place of love, unity, peace and betterment for all
  3. To restore harmony between friends as well as finding lost school friends 
  4. To have harmony in being a guide, a teacher to others 
  5. To harmonize love and tolerance of each other's quirks and differences through the lens of love 
  6. To harmonize with my employees, banks and vendors so we can all work for the greater good and success of my business and get life- changing results for our clients. 
  7. to harmonize our personal relationships & our connection with earth, spirit & source so that we can hear, see, feel the truth in our hearts 
  8. To harmonize with all my family and ancestors and clear all trauma, upset, chaos, drama and hurt from all lifetimes, timelines and dimensions so we can all move forward with joy, peace, love, health, ease and confidence.
  9. Help my son heal and be ready, willing and able to go to school consistently next year and harmonize his mental and emotional health
  10. let’s harmonize our strengths, highest goals, our communication with each other, tolerance, patience, our awakening to truth
  11. Let’s harmonize the ability for us to be able to heal any and all dis-ease in our bodies with ease and grace.
  12. to have harmony in my relationships, especially with my sister for her to treat me with respect and accept my decision not to be closer
  13. to be in harmony with our home since in the past we have had so many things breakdown and many repairs
  14.  I would like to be more in harmony with my mother.
  15. Asking for harmony in my relationship with my daughter-in-law and her family.
  16. Asking for harmony between myself and the people in my new community.
  17. Let's harmonize our need to get along without drama or conflict.
  18. For those going through divorce, let's have harmony during and after the process for release of anger, grief, resentment and financial disputes. 
  19. Let’s harmonize all benevolent beings with sovereignty, empowerment, self-love, self-worth, clear intuition, wealth, abundance, love, peace and joy. 
  20. Let Harmony be the prime mover between all humans as well as for  all the sentient beings so that our planet is back to its magnificence, ruled by love and abundance of joy.

Wishes for more Harmony for the Earth and Worldwide

  1.  let’s be more in harmony with nature, the climate, world peace, all life forms, living beings including animals and each other
  2. let’s harmonize humanity for us to be truly kind to one another
  3. Let’s harmonize our thoughts and actions with one another and encourage peace from within that will expand globally
  4. To be in Total Harmony with all the Inhabitants of this Planet and our Beloved Star being Families and Beyond!!!
  5. let's be more in harmony with creating a better future for our children and the generations beyond
  6. A wish to harmonize kindness, compassion and acceptance of all the people of different countries, religions, ethnicities, colors and genders 
  7.  let’s be more in harmony with each of us honoring true equality for all and having an equal place in this world
  8. Harmonize the end of violence, wars and abuses of all kinds
  9.  let’s be more in harmony with focus on the joyful fun creative solutions for earth rather than focus on the disharmony of current repetitive problems (lack, indifference, ignorance, fear and greed).
  10. Let's have harmony among all governments and their citizens throughout the world for the good of all humanity.
  11. Let's have more Harmony in everyday life so that the time we spend on everyday tasks & chores doesn't detract from the time that we need to create and connect. 
  12. Let’s reset our internal access points to the divine plane so that we can be more in harmony with the multidimensional energetic signature of Earth and the cosmos as a whole.
  13. Let’s be more in harmony with Mother Gaia to help with her ascension and supporting a peaceful life on earth.
  14. Let’s Harmonize a vision of The New Earth paradigm, so we can all be on the same page and in a better place together.