

I would suggest that you not drive a car or be operating heavy machinery of any kind when playing any audios as they can be kind of trancy and very deep.  I would be lying down or sitting comfortably and following along with my words.

Listen with intent and awareness the first time, after that it can be beneficial to play it in the background on a loop on very low/soft volume. We've found that if it's fully muted, then the embedded frequencies are not as well received.

Don’t get bogged down into any of the words or word tracks or different things I’m saying. It’s all from Spirit and from consciousness and we’re just asking for things to shift for you. Just know that anything good you already have is going to be strengthened and anything negative will be deleted off multiple levels of you including DNA, Core, History, Soul and others.


We have just completed our set up of a new digital delivery app which will allow for the MP3 AND PDF download files to be accessed separately. We know you're excited too :)

We include the PDF of the written clearings on the majority of the products and that is for those of you who have a visual learning style. Also, it's an opportunity for you to customize it, some folks have re-recorded in their own voice for example, and others choose to go line by line with their pendulum and test and fish the statements.  NONE of that is necessary, but we all have our process :).



You can now access all of your previous purchases! Every order placed in the shop establishes an account for you automatically with the email address used during purchase.

At the top of every shop page you'll see the person icon to the left of the cart icon, that is the Account Login.

You can now Click Login to access all of your previous purchases.

  • No password is required
  • Enter your email address to receive a 6-digit code
  • Enter the code to be directed to a list of all previous purchases
  • You can download your purchases from your account at ANY time.


SHARING WITH OTHERS:  As you probably know by now, I'm not like every other healer.  I freely give away the My Liquid Fish technology as a gift when you sign up for the TGIW weekly newsletter. I am in the "business" of helping people all the way to the door and I encourage you to discretely (by email or text, no posting) and with discernment share any of these audio files with your immediate friends and family that you feel it would contribute to.