Receiving Spiritual Blessings and Ethereal Gifts - December 2023

Receiving Spiritual Blessings and Ethereal Gifts - December 2023

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Originally recorded December 27, 2023.

During this time of year with the overindulgence of eating, shopping and festivities, we asked the participants to ground in just for a moment and drop into what intangible/non material gift would you really like to receive for yourself, your loved ones and for humanity and the planet?  As usual, the write-ins surpassed our expectations and were just fabulous. We covered over 70 submissions on this call in 31 minutes on the topics below:

We asked for submissions in 3 different categories: - Receiving Ethereal Gifts for Myself

- Blessing Ethereal GIfts for Others

- Ethereal Gifts for Humanity and Planet Earth/Gaia

      And know too that I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand and amplifies things in a much deeper way.  The video replay link is available now, it's just as powerful as having been listening live. 

      This is a 31-minute video and a large download file*  (Audio-only mp3 available by request)

      Here's what some live listeners wrote in saying:

      "I AM Blown Away By this Awesome community! Wow!!! We all Rocked this one. Better then I can ever imagine. Yessing everything as always. I resonated with Everyone of these. We Vibed up the world today for sure. Thank You My Divine Dream Team!!! I Honor You!!!"  - Scotty / Hawaii

      "Thanks, Jimmy! It was wonderful to be on the call and to see you! Thanks for all that you do! What a call! It was a total yawn fest on my end as you went through the clearings! Feeling lighter and happier." - Dr. JJ

      Receiving Ethereal Gifts for Myself

      1. to achieve lasting contentment in all areas of my life.
      2. I'd like to have deeper intuition and more purpose and clarity on my destined path in life
      3. to have more money and financial stability in my life so that I can go on trips and have experiences with my family
      4. to be debt-free with more than enough money to pay off our mortgage and finish our basement/make needed repairs to our house
      5.  to have more financial growth and stability in my life instead of being stuck in survival mode and living paycheck to paycheck (robbing Peter to pay Paul)
      6.  to have an abundance of health, love, prosperity, wealth, joy, peace, success and ease.
      7.  to have the financial stability to easily pay all my bills, repair and maintain my home and vehicle, and to enjoy an occasional splurge.
      8.  to have more luck, magic and miracles in my life, every day.
      9. Support and healing for all communication sent or received, verbal, non-verbal and written
      10. to have more grace in my life so I can show up as a better version of myself.
      11. to truly receive and express more satisfaction in life
      12. to experience a harmonious relationship with my husband
      13. a wish to receive a monetary gift that would enable me to clear my debt
      14. to get to experience the emotion of joy again and heal from depression
      15. to be filled with wisdom, peace and certainty regarding all choices I make in life
      16. to be filled with inspiration, enthusiasm and knowing for how to create pathways that generate multiple streams of income  
      17. to be free of any ongoing patterns existing now or in any previous lifetimes that keep me stuck and keep me anchored
      18. to be 100% free of anxiety and to delete out any fear that comes up and seems to always be lurking regarding my diverticulitis symptoms
      19. to have the power to not let the 3D world get to me. To fully know how to let the negativity and resentments go once and for all!
      20. To have exponential financial growth and peace and sustain it throughout my life.
      21. to cultivate and practice way more compassion and self-love
      22. to enhance and illuminate my natural gifts for healing myself and others
      23. to have more good health, joy, happiness and meaningful connections in my life.
      24. to have more clarity on my direction and access to my full intuition with ease and grace.
      25. to finally be with my ideal partner and enjoy more romantic love in my life
      26. to have more peace of mind every day and space and time to create with joy and reach my artistic goals.
      27. to have more peace and relaxation at a stillpoint in my life
      28. for the etheric gift of being able to trust Spirit to have my back and to hear my words with the expectation of fair consideration and treatment.
      29. to co-create with Spirit and receive fishing miracles reliably when I use the technique and get the great results that others do

      Ethereal Gifts for Others I Love

      1. I would like improved physical and emotional health for my loved ones
      2. for my little rabbit’s health status to change from sick to completely recovered
      3. to see more blessings and miracles for my loved ones in the area of career success, financial blessings and stability.
      4. for there to be ever-expanding growth, joy, happiness, abundance and prosperity - financial and otherwise - in all aspects of life especially for my young adult son.
      5.  for my love partner to have a more peaceful mindset and enthusiasm for life 
      6.  I wish that my friends, family and co-workers will find true joy in life and realize their dreams.
      7. for any ill loved ones to receive and benefit from healings/clearings offered to them regardless of what any wellness professionals are saying to the contrary.
      8. for my estranged ex-husband to become the kind of adult & father he always aspired to be and that moves toward "cleaning up his emotional and energetic act"
      9. for all of my loved ones to have powerful immune systems
      10.  For family & friends to have their optimal health restored
      11. for people to express more kindness to each other and themselves
      12. for the people who I interact with to have Creator's perspective about what is really happening in the world.  
      13. to see more High Viben Infinite Abundance for all my Soul Family and Soul Planet! 
      14. to see more clarity of purpose for my husband and sons to help them take their next steps towards success and happiness.
      15. for all friends and loved ones to feel an undeniable joy 
      16. to see more pain-free living and strong health for my loved ones.
      17. I wish that my mom’s state of mind would change from worried about life to optimism and joy.
      18.  for my mom’s health status to change from aching joints and back to pain-free moving and walking.
      19.  to see more calmness and trust in the Universe, and feelings of safety and security for my loved ones.
      20. for more health, prosperity, peace and abundance to permeate the lives of all of my loved ones.
      21. to see a perfect resolution for my sister in her personal relationship so she can regain her peace of mind, her joy of living and complete financial security.
      22. more financial success and financial stability for my family
      23. for each of us to bestow our greatest skills and intentions and use them to help others in need

      Ethereal Gifts for the World, Humanity and Planet Earth/Gaia

      1.  I would like to see a satisfactory amount of healthy nourishment for the Earth, and all inhabitants (Humans and Animals).
      2. I'd like to see more kindness, patience, and empathy for others as well as a healthier Earth for our children and grandchildren.
      3. An ever-increasing capacity for love and understanding for every being and every thing.  
      4.  I'd like to see 'Love towards everyone' be the prominent emotion expressed worldwide.
      5.  I wish humanity would default to kindness, truth, and heart-centered living and cultural unity
      6.  for Earth to become replenished and revitalized and that we decrease our carbon footprint for posterity.
      7. for all of humanity to become aware of and benefit from alternative healing methods/modalities and any other subtle energy healing 
      8. for the possibilities of any malevolent use and development of the new AI technology to be utterly eliminated  
      9. clearing of all the b.s./ fake news, let truth be shown and for everyone to have real discernment about the truth
      10.  I'd like to see humanity seek peaceful and just solutions first in all disagreements.
      11.  I'd like to see more unity, more compassion and more truthfulness and integrity by those in power.
      12. a peaceful resolution of all the conflicts, wars, hate and prejudice so we can all live in safety and harmony and smile, love, prosper, and create with joy
      13. for all etheric/ energetic patterns that lies behind any justification of entitlement and colonialism globally be challenged and dissipated and amicably dissolved all the way back to the beginning.
      14.  I would like to see magic and miracles abound with peace, love and harmony in the hearts of all
      15. to see us all in unity moving forward with the betterment of all human and animal kind at the core of every individual's body, mind and soul.
      16. I'd like to see clean, pure air & high water quality be ever present globally (including decrease in pollutants on all levels).
      17. for us to accelerate our timeline of awakening to higher consciousness with grace and ease
      18. to offer unconditional love, appreciation and support for all the elementals  
      19.  I wish for the internet to become faster, safer and more benevolent than it currently is
      20.  I pray for us to be blessed with kindness and knowingly pass that kindness to others without hesitation.
      21. for Mother Earth to heal internally and externally from any harm mankind has done.
      22. more acceptance that we are all One and that we are part of the Cosmos where all life began
      23. for any individuals who have beneficial innovations and information that would uplift humanity to be fully illuminated, embraced and championed
      24. For us all to experience our Divine Dreams, Wishes and Desires and prayers that we flourish better than we could ever imagine. To become the Magical Beings that We Are once and for all !!!!