Originally recorded: April 23, 2024
Format: Video M4A (Audio MP3 file available by request)
Length: 44-minutes
We all have anxiety, stress and tension that seem to haunt us now and again about everything. Whether it tests as believe, think, know or feel, real or unreal - our perception of "what is" often holds us back but can be just a shadow. When we peel back the layers, it is always us.
By listening to this recording, you may find that through clearing your challenge, Spirit lights the way for us to become more grounded/stable/confident and lean forward out of fight or flight and into follow through!
And know too that I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand and amplifies things in a much deeper way. The video replay is available now, it's just as powerful as having been listening live.
What people are saying:
"Hi Jimmy: All day before Zoom call I was limping from stiffness and inflammation. Now I can walk without any problems. Thank you! And Thank you for taking time for Zoom call today. " All the best. - Celeste L.
"Hi. It was a wowzoo!! I feel asleep and slept through the call and woke up 1-1/2 hours later…. I’m going to listen again to find out what was working on my subconscious!!!! Thank you for your work and love." - Linda
Section 1) Clearing Personal Feelings of Anxiety and Stress
- to clear my sadness, guilt/shame, remorse/regret, about the way I have handled our financial obligations and money.
- I get anxious, stressed or tense whenever it comes to my inability to pay my bills
- not being able to control myself with overeating and lousy food choices and change that to craving healthy vibrant foods.
- Clear the anxiety and stress from feeling the loss of freedom of not being able to drive anymore. I feel broken.
- I get anxious, stressed or tense whenever it comes to my inability to talk to my partner and tell him the truth
- to clear my anxiety of going to bed at night due to my loud snoring and that it causes stress the next morning
- Clear me of my inability (and my perception of) to prosper financially
- clear me of stressful, fearful, anxious thinking that the worst will/has happened
- clear the anxiety and stress that keeps me up at night worrying about others
- Please clear the anxious feelings I have constantly have that nothing good will last and “the other shoe is going to drop”
- clear the stress I suffer due to having severe long term physical pain from a rare autoimmune disease
- I would like to clear any tension, anxiety, stress, fear, regret, whatever emotion it is that is now showing up in my body as pain.
- I would like to clear my apprehension and fear about work Zoom calls held by management. Clear the impending feeling that I am going to be fired - it feels like PTSD.
- Clear my anxiety, overwhelm and insomnia caused by family stress and too much to do.
- I get anxious, stressed, or tense whenever it comes to my inability to give my dissertation presentation and answer questions confidently.
- I get anxious, stressed or tense whenever it comes to my inability to go through my storage unit.
- I would like to clear my sadness, guilt, remorse/regret, about my relationship with my daughter so that we can be in harmony.
- I would like to clear my anxiety, stress and tension about doing my amended 2022 income taxes.
- I have great anxiety and feel tremendous tension in my body before job interviews, exams and presentations, followed by depression and feeling of “all is lost”.
- I am very stressed and anxious about my health as I have been suffering from sinus and ear issues and vertigo for 3 months. I fear that these symptoms will never fully go away.
- I get anxious, stressed or tense because I feel responsible and accountable for every happening and think I have to manage/ control/resolve every problem. It’s exhausting!!
- Clear anxiety about being overweight and for my lack of resources, joy, connections and love
- Clear the anxiety, stress, and sadness around the inevitability of losing people I love
- Clear the behavior pattern of being in fight or flight which keep my stress levels way too high
- I would like to clear my guilt/shame around, and need for, my daily habit of TV binge watching
- to clear anxiety, stress around money and around whatever is consistently triggering my nervous & adrenal systems (feels like I'm always on edge).
- to clear my fear, sadness, guilt/shame, remorse/regret, about my finances and addiction to shopping and sweets.
- to clear my apprehension, fear and stress from uncomfortable symptoms of interoceptive panic keeping me from enjoying travel and social events and appointments.
- Please allow me to remain grounded and stable in the present, instead of worrying about future stressful, fearful situations - to take things one step at a time knowing that I have the strength to handle all things and overcome obstacles with grace and ease.
- I would like to clear my son of social anxiety
- I would like to clear both my sons from stress and anxiety about lack of money.
- Please clear my son of his panic attacks concerning his marriage.
- to clear my father’s anxiety, stress, tension and anger around the constant, severe pain in his upper legs.
- my twin grand babies are constantly ill from colds, snotty noses and very scary croup and I wish for them to be filled with robust health and vitality.
- I would like to clear my son of anxiety, stress and tension around his school/job and career
- I wish for the rate of depression to go down and for my friends who have it to receive a major breakthrough that allows them to get better.
- to clear my son of anxiety and stress around his ongoing custody situation with his sons and the problem of continual courts hearings etc getting nowhere
- I would like to clear my family's repeat of generational apprehension and lack of trust of others.
- Please clear my son's anxiety, school avoidance and behavior issues also tension around success, especially in school and exams.
- I would like to clear my daughter of anxiety, stress and tension around lack of money and resources to support her.
- please clear my sister of anxiety, stress and tension around preparing and cleaning her home to be sold.
- clear my mom's anxiety and blocks to using technology or anything she's not that familiar with.
- I would like to clear my husband's fear of having less and less clients to sell management programs and losing his income..
- clear my son of anxiety about success at work and his safety while traveling
- for my daughter to be clear of migraines caused by stress
- to clear my Mom’s anxiety/fear/apprehension around my Dad and his dementia diagnosis and all that entails.
- I would like to clear my daughter of bipolar issues and the stress of it affecting those around her.
- to clear my daughter’s stress around quarterly MRI’s to check on status of brain tumor - two weeks prior to appointments.
- Please bless our loved ones with the knowledge of their true inner strength and ability to cope with, overcome and also thrive in spite of any life, health or money challenges.
- Offering prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress and tension around social media spreading hate, false news and mischief.
- Prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress and tension around politics/elections.
- Offering prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress and tension around wars and financial instability
- Prayers for the release of stress for all caused by the destruction around the world of our beautiful land
- Praying for natural cures to be found for all types of illnesses and for doctors to really get to the root of the problem and stop blindly prescribing things
- Offering prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress and tension that has a hold on humanity which is showing up as pain and suffering for everyone.
- Offering prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress and tension around learning the Truth.
- Prayers to clear collective stress, overwhelm and grief.
- I offer up prayers to clear global anxiety, stress, and tension around the removal of women’s rights and terrorism.
- Offering prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress and tension that contribute to mass shooting attacks
- I would like to clear all the feelings, beliefs and perceptions that we are separate from one another and the Source.
- Sending prayers and all my love to all the people and animals that live in countries plagued by war, hunger, natural disasters, and asking for the Divine Cosmic Energies to heal them, protect them and bring peace and Love in all parts of the world.
- I would love to clear anxiety, fear, stress, apprehension for both women and men regarding women around the world stepping fully into their Goddess Energy.
- Prayers for everyone to see past their own life stress and take the time daily to connect with all the gifts and loving energy that Mother Earth offers us freely in the beauty of nature etc
- Offering prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress, and tension around changes for better life quality, economic equality for all.
- To see all my global spiritual communities be so aligned and in harmony with their dreams and desires for a better world that they come to full-out Manifestation here and now!
- Prayers for the entire world that our energetic contributions here help to relieve stress and anxiety and inspire harmony and positive transformations for the good of all.