FORMAT: Video MP4 and Audio MP3
Clearing Switches and Deleting Family Issues Past & Present - April 2021
Clearing Switches and Deleting Family Issues Past & Present - April 2021
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Originally recorded April 28, 2021
1 - 43-minute Video MP4 and separate Audio MP3 file
We had a great and important call this month. We all have family issues & traumas to deal with from the past and present, me included, and we addressed some very universal themes and topics that any listener will benefit from. This month's call was all about "Clearing Switches and Deleting Family Issues Past & Present "
We went long and deep on this one about 40 minutes total. The clearing categories were broken down into Clearing Childhood Wounds, Clearing Marital Issues, Clearing Family Emotional Traumas and Patterns, Clearing Parental Traumas and Patterns and finally Prayers for Love, Forgiveness and Harmony.
And know too that I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand and amplifies things in a much deeper way.
Just know that a lot of folks after listening will not feel "snappy happy" right away, but it will get better in the days ahead.
"Great call tonight. Thank you!" ~ Holly
"Last week’s clearing work on ‘family’ was exceptionally deep and powerful. The group felt like familiar souls coming together in a spirit of oneness to work on deep wounds of family and ancestral patterns. I’ve come to trust the content of the group’s introspective and insightful requests. It takes the pressure off covering all my bases for my own requests. It’s now a week later. I can feel the healing still in process and have a feeling this will continue, possibly until all these lifelong and past-life wounds are intrinsically healed. Immeasurable appreciation, gratitude, and love to Jimmy and team, and all of us participating in these monthly Wednesday healings." - Diane Linn
"I can't tell you how much I appreciate these monthly events once I began to experience them. I've been excited for each and every clearing you speak, because I know for a fact that for each one, it helps so many more who are on the call or will listen to it later. Sometimes I cry a little in the beauty that was expressed by each and every heart. I love when your Spirit adds to the phrase, and sometimes I lift my arms and cheer a healthy - YES!!! I want to thank you for your work and the gift that you are to humanity. Even though your family had some really rough moments at your dinner table, you turned out fantabulous. LOL" - Janet G.
"Hi Jimmy & team, I just wanted to express my gratitude for this recent Family healing zoom/audio. I have noticed powerful healing within, especially my emotional & mental bodies maturing. I had previously worked on my inner self so much that I thought I was healed, but this audio showed me it was buried deep & now healing rapidly. Many thanks." - Caroline D.
What folks wrote in about:
- Noticing I feel like I married my mom and my dad and reliving childhood wounds.
- I feel alone in the world because of my parents outdated beliefs imposed since childhood
- I was not ‘wanted’ as a child and now as an adult I’m also not ‘wanted’ by my family and friends
- suffered Incest with relative (uncle) – felt shame, guilt, lack of trust & respect. Self hate. So angry.
- Please stop the karmic loop, oaths, vows, curses and contracts in my current life and all past lives of being emotionally/physically/sexually abused as a child.
- I felt blamed, manipulated, criticized, disrespected, was cursed at and mal-treated as a child and now as an adult by both my birth & married family
- Release the effects of being repeatedly told “you're too sensitive or too shy”
- Release limiting beliefs from family about expectations - about what is allowed, acceptable behavior and physical appearance
- Growing up in my family it was all judgment and non communication and people telling you how it should be done and competition of who got more than the other one.. please clear the lingering judgement and resentment
- In my marriage we have a blended family dynamic that seems to carry over issues of choosing unavailable men with themes of Mr. Nice Guys who are really covert narcissists, assholes and lack proper boundaries.
- please clear avoidance and trust issues and themes of insecurity with men
- need strength to move forward with my children as they cannot have visitation with their father due to his mistreatment.
- please clear past unresolved issues on deciding whether to leave a marriage with someone I love but with whom I feel disconnected due to different frequencies we are holding
- please clear the trauma resulting from the lies that my ex was feeding my daughter about me that ruined our relationship
- for my spouse and I to be OPEN to LOVING each other and ENJOYing a VERY SATISFYING and MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL relationship in whatever form it takes
- clear patterns of Sabotage, interference, disharmony turbulence, chaos, crisis
- clear patterns of abandonment – left in hospital after born. Felt rejection & not wanted
- Not good enough (for my parents love & affection) - became an angry kid
- I have a pattern of co-dependency with Mom
- I have a family pattern of anxiety, depression
- I have a family pattern of failure to live up to potential (lots of wasted talent)
- my children need healing peace from an abusive father
- our folks had a constant feeling of lack even when they had money.
- I want to heal from pain/guilt/PTSD/anxiety caused by my abusive family members.
- clear the trauma of my brother being an alcoholic, then committing suicide
- please clear patterns of depression with my siblings
- clear the trauma of my sister who had ADHD and was as mean as can be. I had a very low self esteem
- Please remove the karmic loop of not being supported, not being seen & heard by my family, "loved ones" and others
- Dissolve, delete and/or transform all the energy of the limiting, destructive emotions that arise from the heartache of past family betrayal
- Release anger towards deceased family members and guilt over that having that anger
- please clear all family members that are always self-serving and at the expense of others.
- clear the upset I have when family members only call when they want something
- Release the negative emotions around what family members have stated about my sleeping pattern and the negative effects it will have on men.
- Please help me move on to finally free myself from the illusions of my siblings' support and to stop putting my life on hold to take care of them or their families and clear any thoughts and feelings of guilt for finally moving on.
- trauma from unstable bullying father, probably would be considered bipolar today but never got help
- It's time for me to stop hating my birth mother for giving me up for adoption & never bothering to look for me after I grew up.
- clear hurt feeling that she will never know how awesome I turned out - I'm worthy, I'm loved, I'm wanted & I'm blessed.
- clear the belief that my family had that because of my disability they would not always want me to do things with the sited friends who I wanted to hang out with
- clear the Angry father, abuse issues and the continued poor connection then or now. I was scapegoated a lot
- to finally clear the pain and my resultant lack of self confidence caused by my lifetime of abuse betrayal and neglect by my mother & stepfather
- to finally clear the pain and my resultant lack of self confidence caused by my lifetime of abuse betrayal and neglect by my father & stepmother
- My parents still treat me like a small child, even though I'm already 45 years old.
- I've never felt supported, understood, loved and appreciated by my family.
- to release all resentment for my mother's constant manipulation throughout my life
- My mother was always critical of me
- My father was overly strict and religious.
- Please release the hurts and resentments of an absent Father who abandoned and betrayed his first family and hid lots and lots of money.
- Switch off programs around being sick and dying early like my mother and switch on the regenerative miracle programs.
- Mother was depressed, menopausal and did not have time for me. Felt neglected
- Father was an alcoholic and would disappear for weeks. Felt abandoned
- I am releasing any and all things preventing me from believing, thinking, knowing and feeling accepted
- I am releasing anything that is causing me to feel rejected in any and all beliefs, thoughts, knowing or feelings here and now
- Give me the confidence to clear all family ties that limit me, known and unknown, and allow me to stay heart centered and loving as I go forward in the direction of my dreams and passions in my life now and always!
- To know in my being that when I was less than I could have been, my family knew that I was growing and learning as I should, and that all is well, and love always flowed.
- To trust that my journey is mine, and their journey is theirs and to let go of all feelings of superiority and judgement on how each has lived our lives.
- I would like to turn all the mistrust and hate and judging into love, communication and acceptance without judgement. May we all be heard.
- I would like to turn the uneasiness in communication with my son into easy and joy filled communication.
- I pray that my husband and I stop reflecting our parents' relationships into our marriage and family life.
- It is ok for me not to interact with family members when I know it is not for my highest good.
- prayers for harmony with my siblings
- I no longer carry on the illnesses from my family line.
- I no longer repeat the trauma I suffered as a child. I am healed from all that happened.
- I will give & provide my kids an amazing, great family life starting now!
- Prayers for my entire Family, Soul Family, Ancestors, any one in the future, to have optimal Health, Wealth, Well being , happiness, peace, and Joy!!!!
- All the clearings received tonight will be a true and lasting benefit to all the participants and listeners in this group tonight as well as our relatives and ancestors.
"This was the first experience with you and your work. Extremely powerful. The heat was flowing thru me almost the whole time. Thank you so much for your work. Light & Love, " - Janet G.
"These Zoom calls are an absolute "yawn fest" (in the very best sense ;) Jimmy works fast and furious with releases." - D.C. / North Carolina
"Jimmy, great session/zoom meeting tonight! Thank you for all you do! Feeling Awesomeness! ️Blessings of Love and Light."- Phyllis Ann / WA
"Thanks, that was my first live zoom call with you. It was really cool! You answered my questions & others that I had not yet even had a query for! Keep up the amazing work!" ~Kate / VA
"Thanks so much, Jimmy and team! This was an awesome experience – I could feel loads of energy shifting in and out of my Solar Plexus Chakra and third eye area. I was also remembering heaps of things that I had long forgotten, which I guess was the old energy moving out and deleting from my field. I’m going to listen to the replay a couple of times as well. It’s so wonderful that you offer this process every month – thanks hugely! Loads of love," - Narelle from Australia
"I wanted to share that after I sent this list, the next day I received a completely unexpected deposit into my checking account from back child support due since the 1990's!! My children are now 35 and 38, so I never thought I would see another dime. It was nearly $9,000!! More proof that Jimmy's fishing and my belief are paying off! Great call tonight. Thank you so much!! " - S.F.
“The call felt like a bath of cosmic Light that filled the soul and soothed the traumas throughout this lifetime. It was a humbling event with numbers of participants whose insightful requests were not only for themselves but requested and for everyone on the call. The effect amplified the energies, creating a camaraderie that we’ve all been there and were releasing and healing similar traumas. It was so beautiful!!!... for lack of words to describe it. Quantum gratitude to Jimmy, with his masterful orchestration of the energies, to the Assistants of Light that were involved, and to the participants on the call.” - Diane L. / Australia
"Thank you so much for all you do. I can’t wait to be a part of calls each month. I loved last months on Love and I think it gets better and better each and every time I listen." - Kirsten E.
"Thanks so much, Jimmy Mack. I had asked for some specific healing for a chronic physical issue, and I immediately felt it had hugely improved, which carried over into today. Yay!" - T. Diaz
"Hi Jimmy: All day before Zoom call I was limping from stiffness and inflammation. Now I can walk without any problems. Thank you! And Thank you for taking time for Zoom call today. " All the best. - Celeste L.
"Hi. It was a wowzoo!! I feel asleep and slept through the call and woke up 1-1/2 hours later…. I’m going to listen again to find out what was working on my subconscious!!!! Thank you for your work and love." - Linda
"Jimmy, I just wanted to let you know that tonight's recording on love was way over the top! Thank you so very much for this evening and I want to thank everyone who was on the call & gave their requests. I loved the additions that your guides added in. " - Janet G
"Omg, Jimmy! I woke up in a horrific, hopeless mood, played the "Clearing switches for calling in a soulmate" and felt amazing. Then, that afternoon, I had a business meeting with someone I have a crush on and formerly considered way out of my league. They expressed interest in me! So excited! " - Ayisha Munro
"Wow! I am blown away by this clearing session! I seriously cannot think of anything I could have added. Thank you, Thank you, Thank You! I am going to listen to this often. The energy I felt in, around and through me while participating in the replay was astounding! From the past life karma release to the protective body weight I cannot seem to shake--you literally touched on everything. It gives me hope that the conflicting energy in my life will resolve into the best (or better!) life I can imagine." - Nichole
"That was Sooooo Good!!! I appreciate your hard work behind the scene’s. These just keep getting better and better. I feel that the more people the better. I feel a full spectrum on this one. I love this community I hope they all know. On a side note. I signed up Monday for this and Earlier today I didn’t have money for my license plates that are due today. The gentleman I do a side job for asked me if I wanted prepaid. I gladly accepted and told him why. He doubled what I asked for. I won’t have late fees now. And I know like I know that this is the very little tip of the iceberg. Here is a huge Hawaiian Yezzzzaaaaaahhhhh!! - Scotty S. / Hawaii
"Woo weee, Thank ya'll so much I certainly feel lighter of blocks I didn't even know about, and filled up with so much goodness I could only dream about, what a roller coaster ride of abundance, yee haw good times all around. Luvzzz and light." - D.P.
"I have to share this with you!!! I signed up for the August 31st zoom call today and then clicked on the link to submit my 3 wishes. I submitted my 3 wishes and sent the email off (drum roll) when I clicked back to my email homepage a new email literally popped up at the same moment (time stamp confirms) I was finally going to get my refund from a company after 3 months...long story lots of emails and phone calls exchanged but refund is being processed!!! Thank You" - Nancy S.
"I was on the call tonight and I LOVED IT ! So much fun to "watch you work". Have a great night! THANKS for helping everyone - you are a VERY VERY special person " - Gwenn"Wonderful session! Thank you! You give so much love and it was so powerful!" - D.D.
"I just wanted to thank you for this month's topic. It was a sensational night. I must be doing a lot of energy work on myself because I began experiencing chills down my back as well. Thank you once again! Everyone had given it their all."- Janet G.
"What a sweet call, everything I could have possibly wished for was included, what a great group of amazing folks! I especially appreciate your suggestions, as I have only just started to do my sway test or pendulum with my own made up lists. Hearing the words works well for me, just want to experiment with seeing the words, and saying them out loud. Looking forward to "Anchor's Away"!"- Love & Blessings, Kate
"Dear Jimmy, a heartfelt thanks for last nights call, I really felt a powerful shift. I don’t know if you remember us now but I had a few sessions with you, the last one was re my partner who was ill and in a nursing home. He’s been home now for the year, with all the bungling our NY governor did with nursing homes I’m glad he left in time. It’s not been easy cooped up with him all this time but the clearing of my resentment really did work, it was like a ton of weight left me. Thanks again." - Victoria / NY
"That was another awesome sauce call last night...a lot of good clearing and adding the good stuff that others wrote about too that I didn't /couldn't think of! I'm looking forward to the grateful for the call, the calming energies, and for the time/effort you both put in to support us in our time of need!" -Susie
"I just wanted to say thank you guys for such an amazing call the other night. Each and every person’s wishes and intentions were so beautiful and the clearing of the collective felt huge. In Gratitude."- Lila / UK
"So last night this was the best Clearwater dreams I have had in years. I just wanted you all to know. I loved the turning on your love. Just listened to the replay in the car. I guess I released a lot. Very tired lots of yawns today. Beyond words. Thank you." - Scott
"What I notice most after having attended the Abundance/Supercharging Abundance, Luck, Breakthrough Switches, and I'm sure even more so after next week's Work/Life Switches call, is that I'm not worried. I truly feel more and more fortunate and abundant in my blessings, monetary and otherwise. Your work has been such an important and integral part of my healing process and self-improvement efforts, and I thank you so much for that. Also, the Windfall MP3 is wonderful. I very much appreciate and am so grateful for your generosity in keeping things affordable." - T. Diaz / Boulder, CO
"Jimmy, great session/zoom meeting tonight! Thank you for all you do! Feeling Awesomeness! ️Blessings of Love and Light."- Phyllis Ann
"Another wonderful switch session! I'm deeply grateful for your time and effort putting together and presenting "Turning On Your Unlimited Luck Switches", I'm feeling lighter and luckier after listening, and I can't wait to play it for a family member in my house who has had bad luck experiences! Looking forward to the next one. Many hugs and many blessings." - Susie
"Just letting you know, even through my Massage business is shut down for a few weeks, a client jumped on line and bought a 6-pack of massage from me. Totally unexpected because she already had a package. WOW! Right after that I walked my front porch there was a Red Box that said OPEN FOR EVERYDAY MAGIC! I know that is coming from spirit!!!!" - Lynn P.
"Thank you so much for this replay. You were on fire! I don't know what will come of it but I can say for sure that I feel 'changed'. Much appreciated!" - Diane P.
"I have to acknowledge the profound level of Love frequencies flowing through the last ‘Clearing Switches for Themes of Learning’ Sept 30th. It felt like a bath of cosmic Light that filled the soul and soothed the traumas of learning throughout this lifetime. It was a humbling event with numbers of participants whose insightful requests were not only for themselves but requested “and for everyone on the call”. The effect amplified the energies, creating a camaraderie that we’ve all been there and were releasing and healing similar traumas of learning. It was so beautiful!!!... for lack of words to describe it. Quantum gratitudes to Jimmy, with his masterful orchestration of the energies, to the Assistants of Light that were involved, and to the participants on the call."- Diane L
"LOVE monthly switch events. Woowoo. Feel like a weight has been lifted (again). Grateful for you and all you do. Sincerely" - Dona
Download Instructions
Download Instructions
You will receive 2 files, one in video and one in audio format. The video MP4 file is large and can be downloaded and viewed on your device. The MP3 is also available for looping.
Download and save the files directly to your phone, desktop or tablet. Listen and/or watch it once with intent and then you can loop the audio on low-volume if you choose to.
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- Enter the code to be directed to a list of all previous purchases
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SHARING WITH OTHERS: As you probably know by now, I'm not like every other healer. I freely give away the My Liquid Fish technology as a gift when you sign up for the TGIW weekly newsletter. I am in the "business" of helping people all the way to the door and I encourage you to discretely (by email or text, no posting) and with discernment share any of these audio files with your immediate friends and family that you feel it would contribute to.
Join a Live Call
Join a Live Call
When: Monthly Live Zoom Group Clearing Calls are held on the last Thursday of each month.
Time: 4:00pm ET | 1:00pm PT | 9:00pm UK
Length: 30 - 40 minutes
Who can register: Live registration is only available to those who are on our mailing list. Please scroll down to the bottom to join our list.
We share the monthly registration payment link there and offer a reduced price for live participants (we couldn't do it without you :)
In addition, we choose a different theme each month and allow you to send in your personal Top 3 to be cleared on the live call. Also includes reminders to attend and a replay download within 48 hrs.
Pre-Session Q&A
Q) How do I schedule an appointment with you and how do we connect for our session?
A) Here are the specifics you need to know about private sessions and booking.
- Sessions are VOICE ONLY calls.
- If you are located in the US or Canada – The session will be via PHONE and your phone number is required.
- If you are located Internationally in Europe and outside the US/Canada – The session will be via Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal
- AND… You MUST add Jimmy as a contact PRIOR to your call. No, he does not use Zoom for one on ones and they are not recorded.
- We are now providing this Appointment Scheduling Options page on the site. Options for both pre-paid scheduling or "schedule first, then pay" are available. Please read through carefully!
Q) Are telephone & Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram sessions just as good?
A) Yes, They are equally powerful and effective.
- Convenience. You can experience your healing sessions from the privacy of your own home, at a time that is right for you, without needing to face traffic, transportation difficulties, or other similar concerns.
- Comfort. If you wish, you can lie down and relax during sessions, and dress however you feel most comfortable.
- Privacy. People often feel more comfortable disclosing very personal situations or challenges that they are concerned about, when they do not have to do so face to face. This may allow you to face and heal concerns that you might otherwise avoid dealing with.
- Focus. In my experience, telephone sessions can at times be even more effective than those done in person as there tends to be less distraction during them.
Q) Who contacts whom?
A) I will call you at the number you provide when scheduling at the designated time. You will want to make certain that you have provided me with the best phone number to reach you PRIOR to our call. I have free local and long distance calling in US and Canada as well as Skype phone or WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal. I live in Florida, which is USA Eastern Standard Time. I can usually accommodate clients within the 7 day week.
Q) How do I prepare my space for a session?
A) Read below:
- Wear comfortable clothing and remove large pieces of jewelry/metal and avoid heavy perfumes or scents whether in person or distant from me.
- Drink lots of water and be fully hydrated. Have extra water near you. This is for muscle testing purposes and will help you feel changes occur
- Determine which direction is North in your location and face that direction during the session. Quite simply if the sun comes up in the East it will be the wall next to you when you turn to your left after facing sunrise
- Block out 30 minutes to an hour, and ensure you are free from all distractions during the session including children, phone calls, pets etc.
- Find a quiet, private area with a comfortable chair and make sure you have room to stand up when needed. if standing is uncomfortable for you, let me know and we can make arrangements to accommodate you.
- Bring your pendulum or prepare to muscle test. If you use a pendulum or know how to muscle test (applied kinesiology) you will enjoy your session that much more. If you do not know how to use a pendulum or muscle test, I will help you learn how in under 5 minutes.
Q) Do I send a list of things to talk about/work on, or do we decide that on the call?
A) Please DO NOT send anything ahead of time. Simply have a list of topics prepared (“I have back pain. I’m going through a divorce. Having trouble finding a job. I feel chronic fatigue.” I take things methodically one by one and do not want to see the playing cards ahead of time (besides if I did it would require a T1 server here to hold all that data!!!)
Keep your list and DO NOT send it to me. If you have a thought or an idea pops into your mind during our session, there is a reason for it and I want you to bring it up. That way we can create the most appropriate, customized changes for you!
*Have REALISTIC expectations of time!
Start out with your biggest current challenge first. Do NOT be the client with 1 minute remaining that says, “Jimmy, one last thing, what’s my life’s purpose and should I leave my 30 year marriage?” Good Lord, lead with that stuff, don’t close with it. Thanks! You’ll save us both a lot of time and disappointment for sure!!!
Q) How many things can we work on in a session?
A) THAT will be up to you and how fast YOU process out the negative and download the positive. No two clients are the same, ever, and we never know what we’ll get into.
Q) Do you use Zoom for audio or video calls?
A) No video calls are used. Phone voice only 50 states and Canada. I use Skype WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal outside of that. During our session, I'm nearly close to trance laying down with my cat Lilly and have my eyes closed the whole time so that I can remote view and get the best ethereal answers for you. I have found that I can go deeper and FASTER doing it like that. You’re not missing a visual show of any kind.
Q) Please explain why I can’t record my session?
A) I used to record sessions for clients a long time ago. What I found over time was that we’d clear an issue about something and clients would go back and listen again and actually remember, recall re-trigger and go down the rabbit hole of more details about the event or tandem issue and actually FLARE it up again in a different way! Imagine an abuse victim crying and recounting events and then having a great session, zero twinges of angst doing great and they go back and listen again to their recalling talking about and crying over all of the abuse. I’m sure you get the idea. You are free to write any notes. If you would like to see videos LIVE, visit our YouTube channel and archives of over 5 years of live radio shows for groups.
Q) Can I meet with you in person? What about remotely?
A) At this time, I am taking VERY limited in-person sessions and am available in person at my Tampa office typically once a month. See our TGIW newsletter for upcoming dates. Energy work can be done in person, over the telephone, or through one of the listed online apps and is just as effective done remotely. I've also worked remotely on clients and their pets just through a photograph and knowing their date of birth and where they are at that moment.
Q) After we make these changes will they stick?
A) Yes, the changes we make together will “stick”. It is possible to re-create them (for this reason I do not allow recording of sessions), but it is difficult to do so. If you have made up your mind to make real changes in your life, the programs generally do not re-appear.
Q) What areas are these clearings affecting energetically?
A) There are 4 main levels and areas that we work on:
- DNA level – which is just what it sounds like, cellular level, down to your DNA, cells, bone marrow etc..
- Core level – which is from this life, starting at conception and continuing to the present day
- History level – which is from all of your past lives
- Soul level – which I call the spirit inside of each of us that connects back up to God
- There are endless other levels of known and unknown, depths, heights, parallels and angles and I will facilitate changes on those levels for you too!
I believe that together we can permanently change and delete these programs and replace them with new, positive and helpful ones.
Q) What in the way of changes should I expect and when?
A) I feel like a huge part of the fascination of all of this is that we never know! Things could wildly shift today, 3 days from now, a week, month or next year or one of each of your topic areas that needs to be changed could happen every few weeks after our session.
It will always be in divine timing and not ours, but what I know for sure is when we have a session together and we initiate change and use My Liquid Fish™ Change made simple™ changes WILL occur and that’s FAR greater than leaving things to chance!
Q) How might I feel after a session?
A) Everyone reacts differently to sessions. Some people feel energized while others sleep deeply that night or the next day. Most clients feel very light headed in a good way, as if burdens or issues have somehow been magically “lifted” off of them. Things seem to run smoother in their lives and a basic pervasive calm comes over them.
I never know how a client will react or how fast they will receive resolutions to issues, but many have experienced profound immediate shifts over relatively short periods of time. This includes, mental, physical and spiritual issues that may have been with them for years or even decades. It is possible that they diminish greatly or disappear entirely.
A personal example of my own healing began when was getting an eye exam. Since teenage years, my eyesight had been getting progressively worse. I dreaded my annual exam. During my exam in October 2009, the doctor mumbled things like, “That’s interesting” or “That’s unusual” and “This is pretty rare.” These were statements NO patient wants to hear. I honestly feared I would be walking out of there with Coke-bottle glasses!
Instead, I found out that my distance vision improved, my reading vision improved AND my astigmatism improved, something the doctor said she had never seen in a patient my age. Of course, I credit all of this to working on the downloads from the ThetaHealing® book, Disease And Disorder and working on my own vision, as well as several key supplement combinations. I have saved the before and after prescriptions as well as the doctors notes, and I feel that this is nothing short of a miracle.
(SAMPLES: Old -2.75-2.50×090 and -3.00-2.25×090 +1.50 New Prescription -2.50-2.25×094 and -2.75-2.25×088 +2.00)
Q) After a manifestation and abundance session, will I get rich or win the Lotto?
A) Shifts in people occur every day. Some are subtle, some drastic. What I do know is that after we have had this session, you are far more likely and there is a higher probability for you to experience good fortune, divine timing and being in the right place at the right time than before a session with me.
Woody Allen once said, “90% of life is showing up…” So you MUST go to that job interview, the gym or spa, or party invite in order to propel the changes. Please review my unsolicited testimonial section of my website and read the real stories from every day walk of life folks to some of the best healers in the world.
I have worked with famous athletes, actors that go by their first names, politicians, and some of the best and most famous healers, teachers and practitioners in the world. I have become the “go to guy” for abundance and manifestation work, as well as diseases and disorders for which medical science cannot seem to alleviate.
Early on in 2006, I bought 2 Florida Lottery tickets. Six numbers on each one on the same printed ticket (total of 12 numbers) two rows of tickets. On the top ticket I got the first 3 numbers in the exact order of the 10 million dollar prize. On the bottom set of numbers I picked, the ticket got the last 3 numbers correct in the exact order as the last numbers in the winning 10 million dollar set. So I am getting closer and anything is possible!
Q) Since I’m new to this, can you explain what the difference is between the MyBeliefWorks™ audios and the “fishing” method? Does Jimmy use both in a session?
A) The MBW audio clearings are pre-recorded and grouped specific to a topic and have about 100 energetic clearings & strengthening in about 20-30 minutes where I do the fishing FOR you. Multiple listens will change things over time and keep your field more clear allowing the probability of better outcomes for the topic addressed to show up.
What we do LIVE is still fishing which we can do together and I can do for you at my end. It’s personalized to YOUR current situation and follows the whispers I receive from Spirit on your behalf in the moment. Very often clients will walk away feeling the changes after our session and many write to me within 24-72 hours sharing their results.
Q) I was looking at a couple of products. What is the difference between these two? (1) MyBeliefWorks for Receiving More Love and Finding The One and (2) Turning On Your Love & Romance Switches Replay.
A) The first one is the MBW Audio MP3 you play on loop with about 100 clearings (see answer above). The second is a video replay of a LIVE monthly group clearing with approximately 100 clearings submitted by participants from around the world who attended the event. Both are different for sure and will address multiple aspects of the similar topic, either one or both could only help you in your quest.
Q) Can you explain MySwitchWorks? I’ve heard about both “fishing” and “switches” but don’t know how they are different.
A) Over time we have discovered a deeper level of My Liquid Fish™ technology that we are calling MySwitchWorks and it’s simple and profound. It’s beyond just releasing a block to receiving more money for example. It’s going bigger and deeper and tapping into a larger, possibly ancestral, issue and overall concept of poverty that your family lineage may have gone through going back lifetimes. With Switches we use the Fish with support from Spirit and go in and turn ON your energetic switches on the deepest of levels and that will include going forward and backward in time as this is a benefit to your entire lineage. Switches are used to turn on or off entire concepts like good luck, bad luck, a family genetic line of arthritis. If it tests as ON we would switch it to off so it did not continue! If it’s bad we want to switch it off and if it’s good and we don’t have it, we’d switch it with a specific fish hand movement as if we’re turning on or off a light switch in a room.
Q) When should I use Life Force Energy: Fishing With Numbers?
A) Often people want to reach the zero point field where there are infinite possibilities and options. This energy runs through everything and everyone, all space and time and all matter. We can measure and numerically quantify what the strengths and weaknesses of the percentage of probability are and then we can change them! Life Force Energy is what we want to use to create and positively increase in our lives and even in, for example, an organ in our body that is blocked or weakened could be strengthened by fishing in a higher level of life force energy. You might typically think the LFE clearing technique would be practiced just like traditional fishing, but it’s not. The main difference is that ALL of this will have you starting at the top left tail of the fish as changes are made. You’ll learn all about it in the masterclass.
Q) Is possible to intend a healing session for someone else using your mp3’s?
A) God and the Holy Spirit use the ultimate smart phone and can find prayer targets and good intentions and send them anywhere in this or any other world! It is easy to play any Audio Mp3 for someone else. For example, I imagine a balloon above my head with the person’s name and issue and intending the healing for them. I start ahead of time and say out loud like a conversation with God as if the power was in the room as to whom this is for and what this is for.
Q) Are there specific listening instructions for the audios?
A) I would suggest that you not drive a car or be operating heavy machinery because this is kind of trancy and very deep. I would be lying/sitting comfortably and you can also play it in the background, it’s very important to know that. Even if you have the sound low or in the background, on your phone, desktop or tablet – you’re going to pick up the same results. Don’t get bogged down into any of the words or word tracks or different things I’m going to say. It’s all from Spirit and from consciousness and we’re just asking for things to shift for you. Just know that anything good you already have is going to be strengthened and of course anything negative will be deleted off of a lot of different levels of you.
Q) Where do I go to access your Masterclasses (ie: Anchors Away, Life Force Energy, Mastery & Practitioner Certification)?
A) We have created a subdomain that hosts only the courses. This is the link to go for Member’s Login or purchase.
If you still require technical support, email us here:
Q) What if I can’t remember my password?
A) You can follow these prompts below to recover or create your FREE account which includes access to the My Liquid Fish Basic Training Course.
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Q) How much time will it take me to understand all this fully?
A) Understand fully? 30 years, 9 books, 35+ audio MP3’s and I still don’t “understand fully” and may never!!! But it works!!!
Q) Who guides you?
A) I believe that I am reaching the 7th plane of all that is and that this allows us to command changes and create changes. I also believe that dropping down into heart center will allow you to access change, to enter into a state of grace that can cause change to occur in an infinite number of ways. I never know who is going to show up. Often it is my brother who has passed on, and other times I have seen my dear aunt sitting in my chair. Because I nearly died after an operation and spent several days in ICU, I experienced and heard and was told a number of different and profound things. Chief among those was that I was assigned another worldly being to bring greater levels of healing and peace to the planet.
Make no mistake, I do not believe that any of these guides require worship or praise, but are there to assist as best they can to move things forward for clients and me.
Q) What is the meaning and purpose of my life?
A) I am asked this every day and my best advice is: live the best life that you can and be the best person, parent, friend or relative you can be.
“I think the purpose of life is to be useful, responsible, honorable, and compassionate. It is above all to matter: to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.” – Leo Rosten
Q) Do I need to read the bible daily, or practice a certain religion or do certain things to get into heaven?
A) I would like to leave it at that one word sentence but will add to it by saying that we all are where we are at now to learn lessons and to be helpful and kind and make progress in our lives and to make a difference in other people’s lives. Everyone is going to heaven when you think of heaven as the awesome music you may hear, the wind rustling through the leaves in a tree and the glowing colors of a beautiful sunset. Heaven itself is beyond description and beyond words, all feelings and senses. Be a good person, a good parent, a good friend and someone who can be relied upon. A person that is on the path to making improvements in themselves and others.
Q) Are there any guarantees?
A) In the same way that you would never expect any guarantees from your medical doctor (MD), there are no guarantees of any particular outcomes with energy work. I offer intuitive insight during spiritual energy healing sessions, but ultimately you are responsible for your own decisions and actions and your results may vary from anyone else's.