Originally recorded March 30, 2022
This month's call was all about "Clearing Switches for Making Money Magic". Over 50 clearings submitted by dozens of participants and separated into 3 sections. This call was really deep and very powerful in it's simplicity, I got chills in several sections which is a wonderful sign. THIS was the clearing that ended it all and that's all you need to know about how great this was: "I see us all as magical, abundant, infinite money-makers who are now all safe, healed and free of any obstacles to receiving more."
"Thank You Sooooooo much!!! They just get Better and better. I honor this Community!!!!" - Scotty M. / Hawaii
1) Releasing Blocks, Negative Programming and Thinking
2) Future Money Desires
3) Money and Abundance Affirmations
And know too that I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand and amplifies things in a much deeper way.
This is a 33-minute video and a large download file* (Audio-only mp3 available by request)
Releasing Blocks, Negative Programming and Thinking
- Please dissolve anything and everything that is blocking me from my divine birthright of abundance and magic.
- Please remove any blocks to allowing my connection to spirit to flow abundantly on a daily basis.
- Please help me allow the freedom and overflowing abundance of ALL kinds that is my natural state
- Please remove any blocks to me being in full gratitude and joy on a daily basis.
- Please release all worries around having an abundance of money past/present/future.
- Please release the negative programming around money that this planet holds.
- Please release me from any and all blocks that are keeping me from receiving my inheritance money.
- Release feeling unsafe with people knowing I have lots of money
- Please clear all vows of poverty and feeling unsafe and unworthy of having money
- Clear the biggest block that is keeping me from receiving more money now.
- Please release any emotional traumas, wounds, or betrayals I’ve had regarding money from this and any other lifetime, space or dimension.
- release any negative issues around money from my family lineage so I can feel worthy to receive all that is good in my life.
- Please peacefully clear away any friends and family who feel they are entitled to what is not theirs, financially and energetically.
- Please remove from my present lifetime whatever is blocking me from having all the money I want and need for my peace of mind and easy lifestyle.
- Please remove any negative external influences trying to financially sabotage me and my own perception of being afraid to not be prosperous.
- Clear all thoughts, feelings and beliefs of being undeserving and unworthy of wealth throughout my whole ancestral lineage and my DNA.
- I humbly and lovingly ask to please remove any and all things blocking me from receiving my divine birthright of infinite abundance and prosperity.
- Please remove any sense of unworthiness known and unknown from any timeline.
Future Money Desires
I desire to attract a nice loving girlfriend with lots of money so we can do lovely things together
To be surrounded by new friends who think abundantly about the ease of receiving money so I can be like them
I see my future as richly blessed, wildly abundant and my family and friends are right there with me, enjoying it too.
My bank account is open to receiving all amounts of money and beyond my expectations.
I know/trust/feel the job/position that feeds my creativity & provides for me financially is appearing in my life NOW!
I am cultivating a humanity of awakened hearts and compassionate minds always through the lens of Love, Light, and divine potential.
Enough money is now a part of and available to everyone here on earth, helping peace and acceptance of all diversities.
my financial abundance is coming in and I can help support even more people, businesses and missions I believe in!
I can now travel to places I desire anytime I wish and personally attend events with my online friends.
I easily make decisions knowing I do have support and I bring in the tools and income to support a team to launch these awesome gifts to uplift all of us.
I find a job making more than enough money to take care of my new home, new puppy, food, necessities & anything else I want or need with plenty left over & more flowing in than out.
Please equip me to be the bridge that I am, and take caring action - creating connections that provide abundance beyond our highest expectations for myself and all I am honored to bless.
I now feel joyful abundance flowing through me and my life enabling myself and helping others to live life the way we want to
I now have the discernment to align with the opportunities flowing to me that serve the highest good for myself and humanity as a whole.
I am paid huge amounts of money to do work that I love.
I now have the financial comfort, security, and ability to take care of myself and others and to effect positive change in the world.
Money and Abundance Affirmations
I am deserving of more and more money Now
I am safe with money and money is safe with me.
It’s safe and comfortable for me to receive more money now and in the future.
I am fully aligned with the energy that attracts lots of money to me
My heart is grateful that I live in a friendly Universe that is always providing for me in unexpected ways - beyond my wildest dreams.
money plays with me and everyone in my family every day to the end of my days, in happy abundance.
I am worthy and deserving of wealth vibrant health and prosperity
I am now free to rejoice in my true birthright I am lovingly provided for - thank you
I am very prosperous, having an infinite amount of money, today and tomorrow and all the days to come in this lifetime
I am now in a complete state of abundance of money, and this with grace and ease.
I gratefully receive the inheritance money, in an amount, that is in my best interest and highest good for me and my family.
I honour the receipt of universal abundance.
My financial blessings benefit my family and me.
The King Midas magical touch flows constantly throughout my business and personal life.
I know/trust/feel that my life is filled with an abundance of unconditional love, light, joy, happiness, grace and ease NOW!
I am a very successful manager for my money.
The energy of money and the energy of good health and well-being are always perfectly balanced in my life.
All doors of prosperity are now open and flowing.
I see us all as magical, abundant, infinite money-makers who are now all safe, healed and free of any obstacles to receiving more.