Customized audio session for healing your body's physical disorders, issues, challenges, conditions, and illnesses. Dedicate each listening session to one specific challenge and or issue in order to spiritually, energetically release & erase that individual issue on all levels.
This recording offers designed statements that have come in from super consciousness over a long period of time that help/contribute to and balance us out in a healthy way to change, release, erase, and even just listening could resolve these issues on all levels.
Sample clearings:
"My body attracts and puts off congruent signals of health & well-being and I tap into resonance of being able to heal myself."
"I process new techniques, ideas and methods with grace and ease, and I know what total health feels like now."
"The ideal food, supplements, health practitioner and healer who is meant for me is drawn to me now and allows me to heal myself completely."
"I believe, think, know and feel I'm being healed of all afflictions as I hear this now."
"I release the need for drama, trauma, chaos and conflict with my disease relationships and I call in resolution and wholeness now."
Includes 30 mins of audio with over 120 clearings
1 MP3 audio and 1 PDF written transcript
Read these testimonials:
"Just a quick note to let you know that I listened to your audio on healing physical disorders again this morning for my neck issue that I mentioned in our session a couple weeks ago. It's been ongoing and got a little better but woke up with it really hurting very early this AM when feeding the cat. I made myself go lie back down and listened to your audio. I woke up a couple hours later in SIGNIFICANTLY less pain. I'm still getting myself to the chiro hopefully today, definitely sometime this week, since you suggested that and I haven't gotten there yet. I think that between that, your audio, and some sound healing for good measure, my neck will be good to go in no time! Just wanted to share the excellent results with your audio this morning. MANY THANKS! " -T from Boulder/ CO