Monthly Zoom Video Replays

These calls are unique in that you have the benefit of tapping into a multitude of issues that our participants with truly insightful comments have submitted for the group each month on a different topic.  We compile that list of dozens of write-ins and one by one, Jimmy clears them ALL together during the live calls using the power of the group's collective energy.

And know too that during the LIVE call, Jimmy brings in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand on things and cover the clearings in a much deeper way.  

The value in this is tremendous! Instead of paying $75 for a half hour one-on-one with Jimmy where you might clear a dozen or so items, you can join our group each month for just $22 where together in 30 minutes you will watch in silence and amazement as you hear and feel the shifts of over 60 items - most of which you haven’t even thought of until you hear them LIVE!

The live calls are open exclusively to Jimmy's newsletter subscribers by invitation only (anyone can subscribe here for free).  We cover so much and go through such deep material and know that you are benefiting just by being a listener to any of the replays available here.

Listener Testimonial:

"Thanks so much, Jimmy and team! This was an awesome experience – I could feel loads of energy shifting in and out of my Solar Plexus Chakra and third eye area. I was also remembering heaps of things that I had long forgotten, which I guess was the old energy moving out and deleting from my field. I’m going to listen to the replay a couple of times as well. It’s so wonderful that you offer this process every month – thanks hugely! Loads of love," - Narelle from Australia 

“The call felt like a bath of cosmic Light that filled the soul and soothed the traumas throughout this lifetime.  It was a humbling event with numbers of participants whose insightful requests were not only for themselves but requested and for everyone on the call. The effect amplified the energies, creating a camaraderie that we’ve all been there and were releasing and healing similar traumas.  It was so beautiful!!!... for lack of words to describe it. Quantum gratitude to Jimmy, with his masterful orchestration of the energies, to the Assistants of Light that were involved, and to the participants on the call.” - Diane L. / Australia

"Thank you so much for all you do. I can’t wait to be a part of calls each month. I loved last months on Love and I think it gets better and better each and every time I listen." - Kirsten E.

"Thanks so much, Jimmy Mack. I had asked for some specific healing for a chronic physical issue, and I immediately felt it had hugely improved, which carried over into today. Yay!" - T. Diaz

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